

Adding to my stash

I've mentioned before that my aunt recently purchased a business in my hometown. (I'll give post her website once it's up and going).

I spent the last day and a half painting her office for her. And, of course, while I was there, I went to her back room to check out what had recently been uncovered. I do this with a PostIt pad and pen in hand :) The business was once a flowershop and when the previous owner decided to quit doing flowers, she just shut the door on that room... and it's a big room :) It's a junker's dream :)

Once, I'm gone, she finds things like this around the room

Yesterday, I left one that said "if you don't love me, Shannon will!"

I'm really excited about the things she was willing to part with :)

This little pot is heavier than it looks. It is painted to resemble copper. It is metal, but I think I see some gold poking through the paint. 

Yesterday, I scored this GREAT tray. It is just roughly put together and is rough wood. But, I love love love it.

I already know exactly what I'm going to do with it. I have a few ideas, but I'm going with the one that doesn't change it first to see how it looks. But, I do need to purchase a few things for it first....

And finally, this (don't prejudge my ugly chicken thing :))

Here's what it looks like from afar...

When I first saw it, I picked it up because I thought "what the heck is THAT?" and put it down. I walked past it again and looked at the base and thought "it might be kinda cute". Then I wrote a PostIt that said "I can't believe I'm writing this... but Shannon will take this too...".  My aunt and the woman who works in her shop doubted my sanity. On my way home to from her shop, I wondered what I would do with it too.  But, on my way home from class last night, it struck me. I know what I'm going to do with it. I ran it past Dustin and he thought it was a good idea too. It wasn't even a "I'll need to see what you're talking about" type of reply. I take that as a good sign :)

So, stay tuned! I'm about to get really busy with work... But, like I said before, I love having these little projects as a computer break! And, I've got them PILED UP and waiting :)  I love taking a break, putting a coat of paint on something and heading back to work while it dries. 

Isn't it weird how you get the most done when you have the most on your plate? I'm like that. When I have free time, I seem to get nothing done. But, when I'm loaded down, I make time for little painting breaks :)

For now, I must work though. We're taking the afternoon off to celebrate my birthday!


  1. you're a sneaky one! :) hey, I'm not judging! hahah
    happy birthday!

  2. I have to admit I was laughing reading this one. Well, actually, I was laughing BEFORE I read your post, because I remember the flip flops your Aunt said you would take!! :) Reminds me a lot of myself, I'll take anything if someone is giving it away, but my problem is, I am not creative like you are. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the little chicken. :)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! I meant to text you but it was too late when I realized the date. You should plan a trip to Hanover to celebrate, aside from wedding weekend!!! Miss ya!

  4. hope you had a great birthday!
    Just wanted to let you know that you will be featured tomorrow on my regular edition of Featured Followers Friday
